Thursday 3 December 2015

Reservation System - Problems and Solution

There was a Caste System which existed in Hindu religion since 1500 BC to 1952 AD when it was abolished in the Indian constitution. Thus, Reservation system is introduced with the help of Mandal Commission not for Poverty or Unemployment Removal but Removal of Imbalance in Governance and Administration and Removal of Inequality which arose in the above period. So, what is the Fuss around our Reservation system and how can we improve it.

It took a bit of patience to listen to the thoughts and reasons provided by Mr. Hardik Patel in his 25th Aug'15 speach, even though he was in support of removal of reservation but it made absolutely no sense.

He said patels are the most hard working people of India (I dont object) but have no power (I object)

Facts to Object:

Today Patels Occupy

40 MLA

7 Ministers

4 Cheif Ministers

10 Educational Universities

If this is not power.... then what is!

Many minority religious institutions like (Sikh, Christian, Muslim, Jain, etc.) already have (30–50%) of reservation for their communities in India. 3–5% of seats are reserved for the physically disabled people in India. Some seats are also been reserved for the sports persons, woman, veterans etc.

Since 1960 woman have also been included as a discriminated community and separate Higher education Institutions were made only for women where no other person is allowed for admission in those institutes, women were also given the separate public facilities like coaches and seats were made reserved in the Transport facilities i.e Trains, Buses etc.

When any educated human reads the constitution,

(with all due respect for Dr. BJ Mandalji) the inception of Reservation in 1979 (by Mandal Commission) itself is terribly unconstitutional.

My Facts to call it unconsitituional:

1. Separation of SCs & STs from OBC (if Backward classes need to be empowered, empower it equally)

The only OBC member of the Commission Mr. Naik didnt even sign the recommendations saying "Today these classes are relatively powerful, and thus its not a good advice"

2. Criteria to identify OBC (Now a days, Even OBC people dont know how they ended up being under OBC)

Simplified Summary of Criteria :

Caste which were backward and women not allowed to work

Weight given 3 - (no census report to back this, thus, non sense criteria)

Caste which were not allowed to study

Weight given 2 - (no census report to back this, thus, non sense criteria)

Caste which earns 25% below state average

(based on Census Report 1970) weight given 1 - please atleast increase the weight!!

3. Govt. made this a law under pressure of mass suicides and not by reasonings.

Just saying.... 1980 was the year of 7th Lok Sabha elections, when PM Indira Gandhi was being cursed for the unconstitutional 21 month Emergency Rule (sort of Curfew for 21 months) and arrest of all opposition leaders.

4. Motive of Reservation system: To improve the financial strength of the Reserved category.
Unfortunate Result: The population of reserved category community has increased since 1990 by 25%. So the stats prove that ironically more people have become economically backward after the application of Reservation System.

India is not the only country with the system of Reservations, each and every country in the world have their own system. India is good in copying foreign laws, but in case of Reservation, Indian Demography was too complex to handle a copy paste act.

Now we all know that Reservation system is flawed to a certain extent and yesterday, while taking shower, i was trying to find a pin point solution to this problem like i was being paid for it. I was in deep thinking mode, lost track of time, then suddenly, water stopped.

How? Mom turned off main water supply.
Why? because mom thought I was wasting water (took too much time to think).
 That moment I felt like, Apple-Newton-Gravity deja-vu.
Thus, I got a solution for the problem.
Make a committee to decide the conditions:

- when a community though being under reserved category can be denied reservation.

- when Central or State Government loses power to impose new or additional reservation

- conditions to be fulfilled before a Court to revoke reservation of a specific person or community

Thus, if protesters feel about stopping the water supply for a particular person or community, approach the court and prove that they fulfill the conditions. Result: people who should not be Reserved, will not be Reserved.

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